

My Environment:
For programming the development environment from chapter 1.3. I use a laptop computer with serial interface running Windows XP on it. The serial interface (COM1) is connected to RS232-0 of the LPC-P2148 Development Board and is used to download the HEX images. An additional 4-port USB HUB is also necessary One port is connected via USB/serial converter to the console of the Micro-PDP-11. Another port is connected via USB/serial converter to RS232-1 of the LPC-P2148 Development Board. The remaining 2 USB ports are connected to the MAXII-Micro-Kit-Board and the QL200 PIC MCU Development board. Since my laptop computer has come already in the years ( but serial interface is available ) , I use my Quad-Core PC to run the Quartus II 9.1 web edition software to reduce the compile time. My laptop is connected via network-drive to my Quad-Core PC and is used only for flashing the FPGA in this case.


My complete software environment for programming the ARM-7 MCU is “Free software“ based, on the GNU compiler Collection (GCC) area. After some tests I installed my laptop computer successfully with the following software in the correct order. Installing first the Dev-C++ Integrated Development environment (IDE). As next one needs the Cygwin environment installed to be able to work with Unix Commandos under Windows. We still need the arm-none-eabi-gcc C-compiler now to program the ARM-7 MCU. Unfortunately, no make-utility is in the Cygwin package included . I use the mingw32 utility, which runs without any problems.. The Flash-Tool from Philips should be version 2.2.3 to support for LPC-P2148 board (Flash-Utility-Doku ).

The Quartus II 9.1 Web Edition Software from ALTERA is necessary to program the MAXII-Micro-Kit-Board . The new version 9.1 has to be obtained without problems of the ALTERA online update service. This version runs without any problems on my Windows-Vista 64Bit system.

Block diagram:

Design of the entire development environment, based on ARM 7 MCU and MAXII FPGA.

September 2010: New DE1 Board based on Cyclone® II FPGA. ARM 7 is replaced by NIOS MCU.