


Install , repair and recover Micro-PDP-11 + RL02 disk drive.



Hardware engineering of the RL02 Receive/Transmit Bus-Board based on TTL-logic. --> 1.2


DONE >> Able to monitor/watch the RL02-Bus signals via scope.

Test with PIC MCU's --> 1.3-A)


DONE, = not useable.

Implementation of ARM-7 MCU based on LPC2148 development board. --> 1.3-B)



Development of the Software environment. --> 1.4

OKT-2009 - JAN-2010


Hardware engineering, prototype = TTL based logic board to be able to receive and read the RL02 Command Register. Writing C-code for ARM-7 MCU. --> 1.3-C)

NOV-2009 to JAN-2009


Installing and customizing MAXII FPGA Hardware + Software + I/O Tests to be able to verify data flow RL02-FPGA-ARM-7 --> 1.3-D)

DEZ-2009 to JAN-2009


Design FPGA schematic circuit diagram and write C-Code to be able to receive RL02 Command-Register and send Status-Word.

FEB-2010 to APR-2010


Install and setup RT-11 environment to be able to write FORTRAN, BASIC or MACRO-11 assembler programs.

APR-2010 to MAI-2010


Implement Sector-Puls generator running in FPGA


Note: Michael Schmitt did provide the code, written in Verilog-HDL .

New investment necessary : Logic Analyser.



Implement MFM Decoder running in FPGA. ( 1 of 2 major problem )

MAR-2010 to MAI- 2010


Implement MFM Encoder running in FPGA. ( 2 of 2 major problem )


Ongoing (most = done )

Write C-code for the ARM-7 MCU to get access to the SD-card. Fake the RL02 data structures concerning sector size/header and CRC checking.



Up-to-date status , 27-MAI-10 : Project is suspended
Out of resources: Design contains 3259 blocks of type logic cell. However, device contains only 2210 . Conclusion: To be able to continue to work, I need a new development board.

Implement data transfer, either per Sector oder per Track

Financial problem: Investment of new Hardware!

Early at the end of this Project ?




Testing started
not practicable with current used FPGA environment.

I would need a sponsor

During the summertime of 2010:

My last attempt based on the MAXII and ARM-7 environment: The idea was to read one or two ( HEAD-0 and HEAD-1 ) complete tracks into the memory of the ARM-7 MCU. One track contains 40 sectors and one sector contains 280 Bytes, = 11200 Bytes per track x 2 = 22400 Byte ( HEAD-0 and HEAD-1 ). The available Memory on my used ARM-7, LPC2148 is 42K Bytes RAM and this would be enough to hold 2 tracks in the ARM-7 memory. Next step would be to save all tracks on a SD-Card which results in a RL02-like formated SD-Card. This would be an ideal starting point for a much simpler implementation because we have not to take care about Header+CRC sector structures. Sorry, but I was not able to solve this challenge with the current used environment. More details can be gathered from chapter 1.6 and any input/hints to this issue is very welcome.

Up-to-date status, 20-AUG-10: Project has been resumed

I made another investment with the following product:

The following picture shows the new DE1 board based on Cyclone® II from Altera. To be able to connect the RL02 bus-signals to the DE1 board an new adapter board must also be developed and is visible in the right part.

Implement new environment and replace ARM C-Code by NIOS C-Code.
**** NOT possible *****



A complete redesign is necessary because the ARM-7 MCU is at least 7 times faster than the ( licence free ) NIOSII/E CPU.

Another problem occurred : My RLV-12 controller has intermittend problems with increasing trend. This will delay or exiting my project if I can't find a replacement for my broken RLV-12 . Any help is welcome.

I could solve the problem as described above by replacing the DC005 and the DC004 Q-Bus chips. Unfortunately, an error has happened to me when soldering and now I have contact problems. The RLV-12 controller does not always work and sometimes I have to replug it several times until I can continue to work. This handicaps me in my work very much and I am continuous searching for a replacement. Again, any help is welcome

The project goes on. A MFM decoder with Clock and Data Recovery ( CDR ) is available and up and running. For more details, see chapter 1.7

Fix and implement all open issues from MAXII environment in the new DE1 board environment.



In view of the very sad events in Japan, I can't enjoy continuing to work at the moment!

The development based on blockdiagram got more problematic and inefficient. I have given up this kind of development and replaced most of my modules by Verilog programs.




SD Card I/O implemented to be able to reconstruct the RL02 Format on a SD Card via NIOSII system.




Developing data/timing sequencer and dual port RAM Verilog design.


